Richard Diebenkorn Exhibitions

California Drawings

California Drawings

  • Pomona College Museum of Art, 3 December 1956 - 25 January 1957
  • University of California, Riverside, 1 January 1957 - 28 February 1957
  • Long Beach Museum of Art, Calif., 7 August 1957 - 25 September 1957
  • Mills College Art Gallery, 2 November 1957 - 11 December 1957
  • Humboldt State College, Arcata, Calif., 6 January 1958 - 24 January 1958
  • Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose, Calif., 1 May 1958 - 1 May 1958
Organized by the Pomona College Museum of Art, Claremont, with the University of California, Riverside

The exhibition traveled to additional unknown venues.

A catalogue was published on occasion of the exhibition.

“Richard Diebenkorn, one of the West Coast’s best-known abstractionists, is unexpectedly present with a flaccid representational drawing, View of the Mediterranean, that scarcely does credit to his talent.” —Jules Langsner for ARTNews (February 1957)