The Foundation

The Foundation

Our mission is to expand knowledge and foster appreciation of Richard Diebenkorn’s art, and to illuminate crucial artistic developments of the 20th century. The Foundation increases public access to his work and understanding of his legacy and time through support of exhibitions, loan of artworks, research, publications, archival services and digital initiatives. Its collection of prints, drawings, paintings and sculptural objects is an indispensable resource in achieving its charitable purpose.

Education and communication are at the core of Foundation programs. In 2016, the Foundation, in association with Yale University Press, published Richard Diebenkorn: The Catalogue Raisonné, the definitive resource of the artist’s all known unique works. A volume that catalogues the artist’s print production is planned. The Foundation maintains, which provides unprecedented access to the artist’s monumental output, as well as his archives of photographs, correspondence and other personal documents. The Foundation collaborates with museums on exhibitions and offers research, logistical support and new color photography of nearly every work made by the artist. Its staff also works directly with scholars, historians and students to assist them with appropriate projects.

Image: Richard and Phyllis Diebenkorn with their children, Gretchen and Christopher, Spadra, Calif., 1948 © Richard Diebenkorn Foundation

Board of Directors

Morgann Trumbull


Natasha Boas, Ph.D.

Chief Financial Officer

Karin Breuer


Benjamin Grant


Rob Hallman



Andrea Liguori

Executive Director

Angela Doctor

Executive Administrator

Rakia Faber

Collections Manager and Registrar

Katharine James

Head of Digital and Public Engagement

Mary Clare F. McKinley, Ph.D.


Jacquelyn Northcutt

Digital and Publications Research Assistant

Michael Walker

Image Resources Manager and Collections Specialist


The Richard Diebenkorn Foundation holds the copyright to images of all artworks by Diebenkorn. Please use the form below to submit a copyright request. For all general inquiries, please use the inquiry form below.



Q: Where can I see works by Richard Diebenkorn?
A: Please visit our Artworks and Exhibitions pages. Works by the artist are in the collections of most major museums in the United States.

Q: Is there a catalogue raisonné of the artist?
A: Yes, Richard Diebenkorn: The Catalogue Raisonné (Yale University Press, 2016), a four volume, 2,000 page reference containing more than 5,000 of the artist’s unique works, including sketches; drawings; paintings on paper, board, canvas; and sculptural objects is available. If you would like to purchase, links for buying one can be found on the publication’s Purchase page.

Q: Where can I find information on the steps to take before reproducing an artwork?
A: Please refer to the information found on our Contact page. Please direct any news media or editorial-related requests to

Q: I am researching Diebenkorn. May I come visit the artist’s archives?
A: The Archives are available to qualified researchers by appointment only. Please visit our About Collections page for more information.

Q: Does the Foundation offer authentication services?
A: While we are interested in knowing about all works that may be by Richard Diebenkorn, we do not authenticate. The International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR) may be able to assist you.


Q: Are all of Richard Diebenkorn’s artworks published here?
A: Not at this time. We hope to achieve this eventually. Please return regularly to for updates and new and additional content.

Q: Will archival material published in Richard Diebenkorn: The Catalogue Raisonné also be available online?
A: Yes. You may view a selection of correspondence, photographs, and writings under the Collections menu bar. Archival material will be added to artwork and exhibitions records and the Archives section of will be expanded as we move forward.

Q: Who do I contact if I own a work possibly by Richard Diebenkorn that is not included in the published catalogue raisonné?
A: Please submit an inquiry through our Contact page.

Q: May I use the images published here in my own online or print publication (e.g. book, newspaper, website, blog, film, etc.)?
A: The Richard Diebenkorn Foundation holds the copyright for all images of artwork by Richard Diebenkorn. Please fill out a Copyright Request Form if you wish to reproduce one of our images in any digital or printed format.


Q: Are all of the materials in the Archives published here?
A: Not at this time. We are actively building the digital collections of correspondence, photographs, and writings as well as featuring material in our processing notes initiative From the Basement. Please return regularly to for updates and additional content.

Q: May I visit the artist’s Archives?
A: The Archives are currently available to qualified researchers by appointment only. Please review the Archives Access Policy and fill out a Reader Registration Form.

Q: I have a letter from Richard Diebenkorn. Does the Foundation accept gifts of related archival materials?
A: Yes. Please submit an inquiry to

Q: I’m having a hard time reading a letter. Is there a transcription?
A: Not every item has been transcribed. However, we are  happy to provide a PDF copy to interested parties and any additional aid and review. Please submit a request to

Q: May I use the images published here in my own online or print publication (e.g. book, newspaper, research paper, website, blog, film, etc.)?
A: Please consult the Archives Access Policy and fill out a Copyright Request Form if you wish to reproduce an image in any digital or printed format.


Q: What grants or programs does the Foundation offer?
A: At this time the Foundation is not accepting applications for any grants. We are proud to have recently contributed to the East Bay/Oakland Relief Fund for Individuals in the Arts, a vital safety net for artists, teaching artists, culture bearers and nonprofit arts workers living in historically underserved communities who are financially vulnerable due to this economic crisis.

Q: Does the Foundation lend artworks for exhibition?
A: We will make every effort to consider a proposal, and we will endeavor to assist in preparations for exhibitions. We encourage you to correspond with us and we invite you to contact our Managing Director, Andrea Liguori, for inquiries about exhibition loans.