Richard Diebenkorn Exhibitions

Richard Diebenkorn

Richard Diebenkorn

  • Poindexter Gallery, New York, 28 February 1956 - 24 March 1956
The exhibition presented fourteen paintings and three works on paper and was the artist's first solo show in New York. Poindexter Gallery represented the artist until 1971.

“28 FEBRUARY–24 MARCH: Richard Diebenkorn at Poindexter Gallery at 46 East 57th Street is the artist’s first solo show in New York. Poindexter will represent Diebenkorn until 1971; as part of their agreement Paul Kantor is allowed to sell the Diebenkorn works he has in his possession and represent him for a period of time in Southern California. Stuart Preston of the New York Times calls Diebenkorn a 'rising star' of Abstract Expressionism: 'His compositions … resemble aerial photographs of a big varied landscape with shore-line mountains, cliffs and fields, the contours, perhaps, of California, where this painter lives and has made his reputation. For all its considerable energy and invention, Diebenkorn’s work remains strangely impersonal or, rather, remotely personal.'"—Chronology from Richard Diebenkorn: The Catalogue Raisonné, Vol. 1 (Yale University Press, 2016)

“If you give them enough time, Richard Diebenkorn’s large and splashy abstractions at the Pindexter [sic] Gallery do bring to mind, because he sets his color areas in diagonal, perspective-suggesting arrangement, the far horizons and broad deserts of the West… But their color is muddy, their shapes are sloppy, and if a touch of literalism is their major virtue, then the results must be put down as something less than gratifying.”—C.B. for New York Herald Tribune (11 March 1956)

“While the open spaces of the Far West determine his imposing, square scale and horizontal canvas divisions, he has schooled himself well in the free, weighted lines and flat but nervous-textured expansions of the New York organic-abstractionists.”—P.T. for Art News (March 1956)