Richard Diebenkorn Correspondence

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Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
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Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
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Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
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Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
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Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn
Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn

Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn

[4?] August 1950
Ink on paper
Credit Line:
© Richard Diebenkorn Foundation
RD number:
Correspondence from Frank Lobdell to Richard Diebenkorn while Diebenkorn was living in Albuquerque, New Mex., and enrolled in a master's program at the University of New Mexico, [4?] August 1950


Wed [4? August 1950]

Dear Dick;

Got here Sat — glad to be back, tho am feeling just a little homesick for Vemo.

This is only paper I have — other side is drawing; one of a drunken series. Attach no significance to it.

Started painting and one seems going well. Some how my need for painting is more now than ever — I have this odd feeling when I hear the war news; a feeling I was more familiar with during the last war. It came before when I sweated out going overseas, and when I sweated out the invasion; and came before every attack — an empty feeling in my belly. So I got that back now and I suppose it has something to do with my need to paint now more than ever.

Not much going on around here now. Watercolor show in Sept (I think) so send over your entries any time before then. Legion has it's 4th annual, 25 Nov. It's combined invitations and selection — but the jury of selection is one man. Fred Stewart Bartlett from Colorado Springs. I'll put one of yours in this if you want, however, he damned if I submit to it.

Porter — I have learned — has been drafted for work on atom. This statement open, wide open, to doubt. But he is leaving to do something. Send me those drawings anyway; because I like them. This news shocked hell out of me — Ruth Stevens took an overdose of sleeping pills. A phyciatrist could have delt with that kid, could have prevented not only suicide but prevented any sort of depression leading up to suicide. Ruth was not a sick person. I know.

Rented another painting during my absence. To another phyciatrist. If this war becomes any more depressing I'm going to take it out in trade with these guys.

Learned my chances for a job are nill. New ruling that degree is required, leaves me out. Somehow I don't feel staggered by this blow. Haven't had a chance to see anyone at school yet, but will look up Hassel and Ed soon. Going to party Fri to meet Ad Rienhardt — he's having hellova time here. Very loose [?] lectures and his class has dropped off a lot.

[drawing inserted in middle of page]

According to Budd he is swell guy but just can't teach.

Annie sends her love to all of you.

Before I close — Dot was very wonderful about everything. Divorce is being processed — she has custody of Vemo but agrees he should be raised by mother and Dad. So my trip home was a happy one. Almost bought 30 "A" Ford roadster for $50.00. Would have but I wanted back here in a hurry. My time is measured. Love to Phyl and Gretchen and the boy kid.


Hello to Paul and Mimi (I'll send Paul those paints soon)



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